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WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce plugins available for wordpress sites. It is essential to know how to get your online shop to stand out from the crowd. At Evolve SEO Agency, our boutique ecommerce SEO services are tailored to help you expand your digital presence through strategic search marketing solutions.


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WooCommerce, the #1 e-commerce plugin!

Over 455 million sites use WordPress. Businesses have a vast range of plugin options when it comes to building an eCommerce store on WordPress.

But, no other plugin maximises the benefits of the most popular CMS in the way WooCommerce does. That’s why over 25% of the top 1 million eCommerce stores use WooCommerce, making it the most popular eCommerce platform.

We Know WooCommerce

WordPress is renowned for its exceptional usability and widespread popularity, making it an ideal choice for creating websites. By incorporating WooCommerce, you can effectively establish and manage your own eCommerce store. Our company specializes in developing customized WooCommerce websites that not only meet your specific business needs but also achieve strong rankings on prominent search engines like Google.

Search Marketing for WordPress

Woocommerce has made a significant impact on the ecommerce market, emerging as the fastest growing platform in recent times. At the same time, Evolve SEO Agency has been instrumental in assisting WordPress store owners in achieving notable sales growth by enhancing their search engine visibility.

By leveraging the power of Woocommerce, businesses have witnessed remarkable success, capitalizing on its rapid rise in popularity among online shoppers. Meanwhile, Evolve SEO Agency has proven to be an invaluable partner for WordPress store owners, employing effective strategies to improve their search engine rankings and drive more targeted traffic to their websites.

The combination of Woocommerce’s robust features and Evolve SEO Agency’s expertise has undoubtedly transformed the online business landscape, enabling store owners to seize new opportunities, reach a wider audience, and ultimately increase their sales revenue.

See Who We Have Worked With:


Gift Hamper Supplier Selling Online


Promotional Products Retailer


Physical & Online Bike Retailer


Online Christmas Tree Shop