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Shopify Site Speed – Does It Matter?

Jason Boyd is a seasoned SEO professional with over a decade of experience in the field. He began his career in 2012 and has since established himself as an expert in the industry. Jason's expertise in SEO has helped numerous clients achieve their online marketing goals. He has published a number of articles on various SEO topics, providing valuable insights and strategies to help businesses improve their online presence. Jason founded Evolve SEO Agency, a company that provides SEO services to ecommerce businesses of all sizes. With a passion for helping clients succeed, Jason continues to stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and techniques to deliver the best results possible.

Quick Summary

Website speed IS important.

Factors that affect speed are size of the website, number of images, your shop theme, & your host location.

You can improve website speed by optimising your images, cache your site, use plugins for improvement.


In the world of e-commerce, having a fast loading website is essential for success. A website’s loading speed can have a direct impact on a business’s bottom line, as studies have shown that slow loading websites can lead to decreased conversions and revenue. Therefore, loading speed should be a top priority for any Shopify website owner.

Website Loading Speed Factors

When it comes to loading speed, there are several factors that can affect the performance of a Shopify website:

  • The size of the website.
  • The number & size of images.
  • The complexity of the code (your chosen theme).
  • The hosting location (location of your shopify servers in relation to your customers).


These are all important factors that can determine a website’s loading speed. Additionally, the amount of traffic on the website can also have an impact on loading speed.

Improve Website Speed

When it comes to Shopify, there are several changes that can be made to improve loading speed:

  • Optimise your images. Large images can have a major impact on loading speed, so it is important to make sure all images are properly compressed and optimized for the web.
  • Cache your site. Shopify offers a range of caching options that can help improve loading speed. Caching allows a website to store static files, such as images and HTML, so that they don’t have to be loaded from the server each time a page is visited.
  • Third-party plugins. Shopify also offers a range of third-party plugins and apps that can help improve loading speed. These tools can help optimise code, reduce the number of HTTP requests, and more.


In conclusion, loading speed is an important factor for any Shopify website. Poor loading speed can lead to decreased conversions and revenue, so it is important to take the necessary steps to improve loading speed. By optimizing images, using caching, and utilizing third-party plugins and apps, Shopify website owners can make sure their website loads quickly and efficiently.

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